Dentures in Perkasie

why choose dentures? 

Dentures fill gaps in the mouth where teeth used to or should be. Many problems are associated with failing to fill the space of a missing tooth, such as teeth shifting, bone loss, changes in the facial structure, and crooked or overcrowded teeth.

Dentures not only restore the appearance of your teeth by covering up gaps and other dental imperfections with your natural teeth, but they also help restore the function of your teeth. Dentures help with mastication, so you are better equipped to chew your food and speak more clearly.

At Perkasie Dental Loft, we offer full and partial dentures to our patients to fit their every need. Restore the form and function of your teeth and prevent changes in facial structure and sagging by contacting us today. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lindsey Cerdas to find out if full or partial dentures are right for you.


Why is preventive dental care important?

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Preventive dentistry if your foundation for a healthy smile. With regular cleanings and exams, small dental issues can be caught before they turn into large and costly problems. Preventive dental care along with a diligent at-home brushing and flossing routine can help prevent dental issues all together. It’s these small investments in your oral hygiene that lead to a beautiful, healthy smile.

Did you know…

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Dental plaque is made up of more than 300 different types of bacteria.

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Regular flossing allows you to clean an additional 40% of your tooth surface.

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Over 90% of American adults have had a cavity at some point in their lives.

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Did you know…

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Modern dentures allow you to eat all of the foods you love. Enjoy no restrictions, but eat certain foods in moderation to preserve your dentures.

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What To Expect at your denture appointment

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Oral Evaluation

At your consultation, an oral exam will be performed and x-rays will be taken. Dr. Lindsey Cerdas will examine your gums and the supporting bone structure before designing a treatment plan. Any signs of tooth decay or gum disease need to be treated before being fitted for dentures.

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Possible Oral Surgery

If any bony ridges have been detected which could impact the stability of your dentures, they may need to be extracted. If you are being treated for full dentures, your remaining healthy teeth will need to be extracted. You will be given temporary dentures until your gums heal and you can receive your permanent set.

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Impressions Taken

Impressions of your mouth will be taken and sent to a dental lab, where they will construct a mold for your dentures. A jaw record will also be taken. These impressions or scans help the dental lab figure out how the teeth should meet together, how they should look, what size they should be, and how they should fit your jaw.

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Before your permanent dentures are ready to be placed, you will have a trial fitting to test how the constructed dentures fit in your mouth. Adjustments will be made if they are uncomfortable, too big, or too small. This allows the patient to see how the dentures will look and feel for the first time and usually will require some changes before the final placement.

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Denture Placement

Once all desired adjustments have been made to the trial dentures and the patient is happy with the appearance and function, the permanent set of dentures will be fitted. A few follow-up appointments may still be required to check that they are satisfactory.

More About Dentures

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Partial Dentures

A partial denture, also known as a dental bridge, is a removable set of teeth which covers one or a few missing teeth. Artificial teeth are attached to a plastic base which is the color of your gums. 

They are usually connected through a metal framework that holds them in place and your dentures are attached with clasps or precision attachments that clip onto your genuine teeth. Suitable candidates for partial dentures or bridges are people who still have quite a bit of healthy teeth left in their mouth and just want to cover a few gaps.

Full dentures

A full set of dentures is when an entire arch or both arches of teeth are replaced with dentures. Full dentures are only suitable for patients with significant tooth loss or who have lost most of their healthy teeth already. This is because they will require extracting the remaining healthy teeth you have left.

After extracting your remaining teeth, you will be given 8-12 weeks for your gum tissue to heal before placing your permanent dentures. The reason for the removal of your remaining teeth is so your dentures can fit comfortably in your mouth.

They will be molded to fit perfectly in your mouth because impressions will be taken of your mouth before sending them off to a dental lab which will design the mold of your dentures. They will create a set of artificial teeth which are aesthetically pleasing and look like natural teeth.

benefits of dentures

Dentures restore a person’s smile to improve their confidence and restore the function of their teeth. The following are some benefits of opting for dentures as a method of tooth replacement:

  • Easy to clean
  • Look natural
  • Cover up dental imperfections
  • Reduce the risk of gum disease
  • Molded to your mouth for ultimate comfort
  • Restore ability to chew and speak clearly
  • Modern dentures mean no food restrictions
  • Help preserve your facial structure and prevent sagging
  • Much cheaper and faster alternative to dental implants


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How Many Hours a Day Should I Wear My Dentures?

You must remember to take your dentures out before going to bed. You should not be wearing your dentures for 24 hours except for in rare circumstances such as getting a new pair of dentures that your dentist has advised you to keep in all night for the first few days. You should only do this after speaking to your dentist.

Otherwise, it’s important that you only wear your dentures while you are awake. If you leave them on overnight, bacteria will form over your dentures and inside of your mouth which can cause gum disease. It will also take quite a toll on your mouth from excess pressure.

While there isn’t a specific number of hours that you should wear your dentures, we advise that you wear them up until you need to go to sleep. Taking them out too often can cause changes in the structure of your mouth and may result in ill-fitting dentures over time. Your dentures also need to be stored in liquid overnight to prevent warping and bacterial growth.

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How to Take Care of My Dentures

Denture care is all about practicing good oral hygiene and proper storage. Rinse your dentures whenever taking them out or putting them back in. You should store them in a denture solution, which ensures that they don’t dry out.

Denture cleaner also kills bacteria and cleans while simultaneously providing the moisture they need. Before putting dentures back in, you should clean the soft tissue in your mouth with a soft-bristle toothbrush or gauze. If you have any teeth, brush them with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

To clean your dentures, you should be scrubbing them with a soft-bristle toothbrush and denture cleaner in the morning and at night. You’ll want to do this a minimum of once a day. Then, soak your dentures overnight in a denture-soaking solution.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

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This depends on the type of dentures you have, the material they’re made of, and how the structure of your mouth changes over time. Full dentures have an average lifespan of 5-10 years, while partial dentures can last for up to 15 years. 

It’s also important that you’re wearing your dentures regularly. If you don’t wear them often enough, you will be lacking support to your mouth and overall face. This can cause changes to your bite and facial structure. 

Over time, the underlying bone will continue to erode due to tooth loss which will cause inevitable changes to the structure of your mouth. This is why you will need to have your dentures replaced with time. 

By attending regular dental appointments every 6 months, your dentist can look out for signs that you need a replacement. A relining of your dentures is recommended every 2 years.

Did you know…

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You should never keep your dentures in your mouth overnight. Always remove your dentures before going to sleep to prevent soreness and infection.

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